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Symptoms of cannabis nutrient deficiencies are often overlooked or simply passed off as ordinary side effects of the cannabis plant. Often, there are no symptoms at all, and the lack of symptoms can lead to death by asphyxiation from the lack of oxygen. In some cases, it is only when the victim becomes unconscious that the true symptoms present themselves.

graine autofloraison There are five main types of nutrient deficiencies that plague marijuana smokers. Glucuronide (Glycine) is a highly toxic substance that depletes in excess during rest and is excreted from the lungs. This creates a need for more nicotine, which leads to the desire for more weed. When weed smokers do not eat enough of the proper foods, a build up of toxins will be present in the body.

Glycine and Taurine are two other nutrient deficiencies that cause marijuana to lose its initial appeal. Glycine damages the nerves and causes the brain to crave for the feeling of a high even when the brain is not “high.” In addition, Glycine and Taurine are excreted in the urine causing the smoker’s tongue to become coated with an oily residue. The coating prevents the tongue from tasting the marijuana. A common side effect from the presence of these two deficiencies is that they cause the leaves of the cannabis plant to turn yellow.

A final deficiency symptom is pH levels. Potency and taste are also affected by these deficiencies. When marijuana is grown in poor soil that lacks oxygen, the ph levels are altered. pH levels are altered because the lack of oxygen affects the way the plant extracts water and uses up nutrients. This affects the flowering time and limits the number of buds that can be produced.

The final two nutrient deficiencies include immobile roots and older leaves. As marijuana grows, it continually sends out roots trying to push it to the next stage of growth. However, the roots do not have the flexibility to branch out and take in nutrients that it needs to grow. Older leaves are also affected by this immobile restriction. The immobile leaves can not absorb as many nutrients and when they do, they are often low in the needed minerals.

Marijuana is a perfect weed for growing in poor soil. However, there are some serious nutrient deficiencies that are seen in marijuana plants that need to be identified before a plant is cultivated. By following a simple step-by-step program, gardeners can avoid these problems. Knowing what to look for in your garden, you can ensure that you are providing your plants with everything they need to be safe and happy.